Just A Little Ball Hockey…

Further to my last post, I wanted to share a little of the weekend and my impressions.

IMG_2982The opening ceremonies were on Saturday and of course Canada’s Hockey Dad, Walter Gretzky was there to pass on his words of thanks and sportsmanship. In fact he was around the rink all day, from about 8:30 in the morning until early into the evening. I heard that a few of his grandkids were playing in the tournament and he wanted to see all their games, bless his heart. The Brantford town crier was also in attendance to make things official.

IMG_2978There was also a jersey presentation for Walter, from the View Askew Street Hockey League. The is a special division of teams made up of players from across Canada and the US who are fans of Kevin Smith of Silent Bob fame. This is also the division I played in and truly had a lot of fun. I think I made some new friends, hopefully not any enemies. I don’t think I slashed IMG_2966anyone… much.

I am still having nightmares thanks to the Vulgarians goalie.



IMG_2973There were a few younger teams that caught my eye over the weekend as well. The ones to the left because I can entirely respect this many teenage boys who can enjoy their sport in the way it was intended while also having fun with it. Not to mention the ones in the cutoff shorts won their division.

IMG_2991Then on Sunday morning, when I was exhausted and cranky it was two atom teams that went out on the rink played their little hearts out. There’s nothing like seeing a game like that to restore your faith in youth sports. The referee I worked with Sunday morning was pretty phenomenal too.

Finally I would like to close with a reminder to Robert Lavigne of VASHL’s Monroeville Zombies. When I say don’t mess with me on the rink, I mean it! (yes, that is my stick around his neck)



2 thoughts on “Just A Little Ball Hockey…

  1. Pingback: Ball Hockey ’15 | Boxer Yarns

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